Myofascial Release - BinvävsMassage
Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue which separates muscles from one another and surrounding tissues in the nervous system, lympatic system and other body tissues. Myofascial release is especially effective to eliminate pain caused by impingements and restore range of motion to a joint.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is a results-based approach that uses techniques from many soft tissue disciplines that can improve performance, prevent injury, and speed recovery for athletes of all levels and abilities. It combines relaxing Swedish massage with specific techniques such as compression, trigger point therapy, and cross-fiber friction. Also, assisted stretching techniques such as Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) and Facilitated Stretching (PNF Stretching) are utilized to help normalize tissue and joint function. You’ll typically get homework to do on your own to after a sports massage session to help you to help yourself with your goals.
Orthopedic Massage
Orthopedic Massage is a research and outcome-based approach to massage therapy. It employs both established and cutting-edge techniques and methods for treating pain, injury and other conditions with massage. The phrase ‘orthopedic massage’ describes a comprehensive system, rather than a particular technique. It also may include various stretching approaches as well, from traditional “static” stretching, to Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) and Facilitated Stretching (also known as PNF stretching).
Orthopedic massage integrates a variety of massage’s most effective techniques in the treatment of soft-tissue dysfunctions, pain and injuries. Four component parts characterize the orthopedic massage system: orthopedic assessment, matching the physiology of the tissue injury with the physiological effects of treatment, treatment adaptability, and understanding the rehabilitation protocol.
Orthopedic massage is an effective new approach to the treatment of numerous pain and injury conditions previously treated only with conventional methods. Providing a comprehensive system of treatment that incorporates a wide variety of massage treatment techniques, orthopedic massage enables the practitioner to choose the most effective treatment for a particular condition. The orthopedic massage practitioner is knowledgeable and skilled in their understanding of pain and injury conditions and massage treatment techniques. This combination of expertise provides for the most effective treatment of soft tissue pain and injury conditions using massage therapy.
Active Isolated Stretching
Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is often helpful for areas where traditional “static” stretching just doesn’t yield results. AIS has become one of the methods of stretching most used by today’s athletes, massage therapists, personal/athletic trainers, and professionals. Active Isolated Stretching allows the body to repair itself and also to prepare for daily activity. The Active Isolated Stretching technique involves actively moving through a very specific range of motion to best isolate the muscle one wants to stretch, then holding each stretch for only two seconds, and repeating seven to ten times. This method of stretching is known to work with the body’s natural physiological makeup to improve circulation and increase the elasticity of muscle, joints, and fascia. This method can be done with a practitioner, but also by one’s self, using a rope or yoga strap to help.
Facilitated Stretching
Facilitated Stretching (also known as PNF stretching) is another very effective alternative to standard “static” stretching. It is a safe and easy-to-use method that involves stretching the muscle, contracting it isometrically against resistance, then stretching it again to a new range of motion. It works with a couple of fundamental physiological principles that govern how muscles work to encourage them to a more normal length.
Rib Dysfunction
Rib problems are a frequently overlooked source of chronic pain, If fhe faserratus postcet joint holdng a rib into place is damgaged the muscles attaching to it often become strained from compensation and may over time draw the ribs futher out of place contributing to various issues with breathing, head aches, thracic outlet or carpal tunnel syndromes.
Abdominal massage-Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle massage approach for the abdomen. It can help deal with movement and breathiing restrictions, digestion issues, scar tissue as the result of abdominal surgeries such as c-sections.
Breath work and correction of upper abdominal breathing.
Upper abdominal breathing is an improper breathing habit developed in most adults. Where in the abdominal muscles are held tight during an inhaling breath restricting the Diaphragms ability to draw in air and fully fill up the lungs. This improper breathing habit is related to emotional feelings of anxiety and places physical strain on the body as well. Causing short and shallow breathing which exhausts the accessory breathing muscles between the rib cage, upper back/shoulders and neck . Properly focused Massage techniques can be used to relieve the tension and retrain the improper habit of tightening the abdominal muscles during inhalation.
Trager Mentastics
The Trager Approach is the innovative approach to movement education, created and developed over a period of 65 years by Milton Trager, M.D.
There are two aspects of The Trager Approach; one in which you, the client, are passive and the other in which you are active. The passive aspect is usually referred to as the tablework, and the active aspect is called Mentastics.
Utilizing gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements, The Trager Approach helps release deep-seated physical and mental patterns and facilitates deep relaxation, increased physical mobility, and mental clarity. These patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illnesses, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life.
Colt’s Massage and Bodywork CV:
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCTMB)
- educated and certified to work nationally within USA.
Certified Massage Therapist (Specialization in Sports Massage) (NCTMB)
Certified, Orthopedic Massage, (NCTMB)
2009 Dipl. Boulder College of Massage therapy, Boulder, Co, USA
2008 Dipl. Bachelors Sports science and Kinesiology – Metrolpoitan State College of Denver.
2002 - Present Capoeira Instructor to adults and children – United Capoeira Association.