Customer Testimonials


Jona Dahlqvist

18 X Ironman, 4 X Ironman World Championship Hawaii Finnisher

Under mina förberedelser inför Ironman Hawaii och inför Ironman Arizona besökte jag regelbundet Colt Sweeten och fick hjälp att hålla kroppen balanserad och stark. Jag gillar speciellt att få en 90 minuters djupgånde idrottsmassage på mina vilodagar.

Pernilla S.  
Colt has helped me address deep tissue tensions, pain and blockage that I've had for a long time, affecting not only my muscles but my whole system. Extremely receptive he seems to tap in to you're system and communicate on a deeper level, then using different techniques depending on the issue.

Also, Colt has the ability to create an atmosphere of total safety, trust and care, which I very much appreciate.

A big difference with Colt, for me, is that he is helping the system to relax and create the space needed for change to start taking place. In the body as well as in other areas.

I’m truly grateful for his work, and - not to forget - for my doctor that recommended Colt in the first place!

S. h.

Seeing Colt intensively over a few months helped bring me back into my body and address some underlying tensions and issues. What I really liked about Colt’s method was that it was purely physical, we didn’t really talk very much, but it did a lot for me emotionally. I really felt like I could trust Colt. He also taught me a lot about my anatomy that helped me work on the factors in my life that were making my physical problems worse. 

Jag har haft problem med muskelspänningar orsakade av ångest och stress i över tjugo år, och har anlitat en lång rad av massageterapeuter genom åren. Efter att ha hittat Colt för tre år sedan kunde jag sluta söka runt efter en massageform som passade min psykiska/muskulära obalans. Colts teknik, erfarenhet samt stora kunskap om både människokroppen och de psykiska faktorer som ofta ingår i muskelproblematik är imponerande. Hans förmåga att arbeta med hela människan i sin massage gör att jag varmt kan rekommendera Colt.

Efter att ha brytit menisken på vänster knä kom jag i behandling hos Colt Sweeten.
Tack vare hans behandlingar är jag smärtfri och slipper operation. 

Colt Sweeten is an outstanding massage therapist and body worker. Skillful, professional and intuitive.